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To maintain your Eleven Intimates garments for as long as possible our wash bag is a must have. Designed to protect delicate fibres when washing in a machine.
Cold delicate machine wash with like colours
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Embracing your unique beauty with our all-inclusive sizing, catering to every body type from size 8 to 20 and XXS to XXL, with plans to expand in the future.
Empowering Elegance
Unveil confidence in every curve with our fashion-forward cuts that transcend the ordinary, bringing a touch of sexy sophistication to your everyday.
Conscious Glamour:
Experience luxury guilty free, from the materials we choose to the processes we employ, ensuring our footprint is as gentle as our fabrics.
Generations of Expertise:
Backed by over 50 years of family expertise, we promise to uphold our half-century heritage of craftsmanship, ensuring each intimate piece radiates a blend of tradition and modern allure.
Inclusivity Redefined
Embracing your unique beauty with our all-inclusive sizing, catering to every body type from size 8 to 20 and XXS to XXL, with plans to expand in the future.
Empowering Elegance
Unveil confidence in every curve with our fashion-forward cuts that transcend the ordinary, bringing a touch of sexy sophistication to your everyday.
Conscious Glamour:
Experience luxury guilty free, from the materials we choose to the processes we employ, ensuring our footprint is as gentle as our fabrics.
Generations of Expertise:
Backed by over 50 years of family expertise, we promise to uphold our half-century heritage of craftsmanship, ensuring each intimate piece radiates a blend of tradition and modern allure.